The Deadline for Renewing Your Residence Permit

There are several conflicting pieces of information on this subject, but the principle is firmly established: an application to renew a residence permit must be submitted within the two months preceding its expiration.

If the application is filed late, the prefecture may legally consider it not as a renewal but as an initial request (Council of State, Administrative Court of Douai, January 22, 2008, No. 07DA00921).

However, a belated renewal application does not render the request inadmissible if the applicant can provide a legitimate reason for the late renewal of their residence permit (Council of State, May 30, 2001, No. 221272).

Thus, being hospitalized justifies the late submission of a renewal application, preventing the prefecture from rejecting it (Council of State, February 14, 1996, No. 152230), or provisional detention leading to a decision of non-place or acquittal (Council of State, October 10, 1997, No. 154750).