Opening of a new online service for work authorization requests

On March 30, 2021, the Ministry of the Interior announced in a press release the opening of an online service for work authorization requests for the hiring of foreign employees
starting from April 6, 2021. As of April 6, 2021, work authorization requests should be made only on the website:
Employers will therefore now need to submit their work authorization requests on this platform.
According to the Ministry, this new system will also introduce a simplification of the evaluation criteria and the list of documents to be provided. This change was made as part
of the reform of the territorial organization of the State, as well as the establishment, as of April 1, 2021, of a new decentralized service replacing the former DIRECCTE. This is now
the regional directorate for the economy, employment, labor, and solidarity (Dreets).

From now on, the processing of authorization requests will no longer be carried out through the foreign labor service of DIRECCTE, which was under the purview of the
Ministry of Labor, but through six interregional platforms created under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior. For seasonal workers, a new platform will be dedicated to
processing their requests. However, residence permit applications remain the responsibility of the prefectures.
If you encounter difficulties in submitting your online request, assistance will be available through the citizen contact center: you can use it by filling out a contact form or by calling
0806 001 620.